* If a large majority in a particular reference group G accepts A as true (false), then there exists a defeasible presumption in favor of (against) A * A large majority accepts A as true (false). * Therefore, there exists a presumption in favor of (against) A This form of the argument might use polls or statistics meant to measure public opinion. This argument may or may not accurately reflect a real world state, but the fact that so many people commit to it, gives it a presumption that it does accurately reflect a real world state. (Walton, Reed, Macagno. 125) Critical Questions regarding the argument scheme. 1. Is it really the case that a large majority of the particular reference group accepts A as true? 2. Is there any other available evidence that would support the assumption that A is false? 3. What reason is there for thinking that the view of this large majority is likely to be right? |
In order to determine if it does accurately reflect a real world state, whatever claim is being made must be verified. Data gathering must be done with an emphasis on data about what its causes are, where it came from, what it interacts with, what it depends on and what it causes.
Variant of the Basic Form of Ad Populum Argument Scheme
1. Position to Know
2. Expert Opinion
3. Deliberation
4. Moral Justification (Excuse subtype)
5. Moral Justification
6. Common Folks
7. Rhetoric of Belonging
8. Snob Appeal
9. Appeal to Vanity
Walton, Reed, Macagno. Argumentation Schemes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pgs 122-131
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